SEO PROJECT FOR Zaph & Zoe Agro Export Company.


Zaph & Zoe, a mid-sized African processing and export company, approached me with the goal of significantly enhancing their website’s performance. Their primary concerns included slow page load times, low mobile optimization, and suboptimal search engine rankings. When I started, the website performance score was at 54%.


  • Improve website performance from 54% to at least 90%.
  • Enhance user experience by reducing page load times.
  •  Optimize the site for mobile users.


Website Audit:
  1. Conducted a comprehensive audit using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix.
  2. Identified key issues including large image sizes, unoptimized code, and inefficient server response times.
Image Optimization:
  1. Compressed and resized images without compromising quality.
  2. Implemented lazy loading for images to improve initial load times.
Code Minification:
  1. Minified CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files to reduce file size and improve load speed.
  2. Eliminated render-blocking resources.
Mobile Optimization:
  1. Ensured a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes.
  2. Optimized touch elements and improved mobile navigation.
SEO Enhancements:
  1. Improved metadata, including title tags and meta descriptions, to enhance search engine visibility.
  2. Conducted keyword research and optimized on-page content accordingly.


1. Performance Score Improvement:

Achieved a website performance score of 90%, a significant increase from the initial 54%.

2. Load Time Reduction

Reduced average page load time by 60%, resulting in a smoother experience.

3. Mobile Optimization
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